You need to Audit your Technology now!

Business Tips In Doing Software And Hardware Tracking
Many businesses, regardless of their sector, are increasingly investing in technology. Technology’s influence on a business, whether in terms of finances, time or employees, is becoming apparent by the day. In fact, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 55% of Australian businesses used paid cloud-based applications from 2019 up to 2020, a significant increase from 42% in 2017 to 2018.
“Understanding information technology audits, often referred to as IT audits, which aim to guarantee your hardware and software are secure from threats, is one way you can strategically invest in your business. After all, it can mean the gap between a thriving business and one that struggles due to IT-related issues,” says tech-savvy business analyst and bad credit loan provider Mason Burt of Ask Funding.
Here are our top tips for making your business hardware and software tracking, auditing, and documentation as painless as possible!
What Is An IT Audit?
An IT audit is the inspection, assessment, tracking, and documentation of a company’s information technology systems, hardware, software, policies, and processes.
Business owners do IT audits to verify whether IT controls safeguard business resources, preserve data security, and align with the company’s overall objectives. IT auditors look at physical security measures and entire strategic and operational controls involving IT systems.
Furthermore, IT audits are used to check that hardware and software related systems and procedures are operating effectively in digital businesses since activities are becoming more computerised.
The following are the primary goals of an IT audit:
- Examine the hardware and software in place to protect business information.
- Identify inefficiencies in information technology systems and their operations.
- Determine the risks to a business’s assets and assist in developing strategies to mitigate such risks.
- Ensure that hardware and software management procedures adhere to IT-specific regulations, policies, and guidelines.
Tips In Doing Hardware And Software Auditing, Tracking, and Documentation
1. Know What You’ve Got
It may seem apparent, but identifying what PCs, computers, and software you have are crucial. Suppose you already have an out-of-date set of assets and liabilities. In that case, you should start there to determine whether technologies are still being used and add any new purchases to your IT resource inventory list. If your software is quite obsolete, though, you could find it more practical to start fresh and audit all devices and software in use.
2. Tag Your Hardware Devices
IT hardware often moves around. Mobile gadgets, laptops, monitors and PCs that you can transport from department to department depending on where new hires are stationed are examples of this. It’s critical to start monitoring the movement of your IT hardware if you want to keep it as efficient as feasible.
You can use tags to trace the location of your assets. You may then check each asset to be uniquely identifiable after being tagged. A fast scan of the label will update the whereabouts of your assets and who had them.
3. Keep Track Of All Maintenance And Updates
Technology is fantastic—when it works. However, malfunctioning is going to happen at some point. Your computer hardware and software will need maintenance or update. This might be regular checks or proactive if anything malfunctions. In any case, you must keep track of all IT asset maintenance. This not only benefits performance but also reduces asset downtime.
4. Use The History As A Barometer Of Hardware Performance.
You have no idea which among your hardware or software are doing what if you don’t have IT tracking, audit, and documentation. However, if you have a robust IT management system in place, you can look at an asset’s performance history anytime you need to.
Whenever an IT resource requires reactive maintenance, for instance –, you can utilise its history to determine if it’s more cost-effective to repair or replace it.
A Better Way To Track Your Company IT Assets
An IT audit, when completed to your specifications, will set your devices, software, operations, and processes in perfect alignment.
It is to your best advantage to employ an IT auditor if you do not wish to do an IT audit manually.
Networkz Brisbane Computer Support takes it as our responsibility to guarantee that our Company IT audit services are your assurance that your IT systems are in place. We’ll help you protect your business assets, maintain data integrity, and remain aligned with the company’s goals—our holistic approach to keeping all your devices and important information secure.
More notably, we look at physical security measures and general business and financial measures that affect the entire information technology system.
Contact us and let us know your IT concerns. We’ll do the legwork for you.